Saturday, February 25, 2017

Winning the Lottery

It's amazing to hear people talk about winning the lottery and what they would do with their earnings. It seems that there is a general consensus about starting a charity, donating to a charity, traveling or paying off debt. I've heard close friends say how the community would benefit because they would be able to contribute ample time and money. Well I'm here to tell you that you can live life like you won the lottery. I'm not talking about living irresponsibly, but I'm here to highlight what living rich means. 

1.      Donate your time. Time is precious. Time is finite. Contributing to society is so rewarding. Helping others in need is so fulfilling. Are you getting the message? You're probably thinking I don't have time to donate my time. I need to run my children here and there. Or my kids nap during that time and I work 45 hours a week. Here's a solution: Find a community outreach program that allows you to donate from home. Care packages and gift boxes can be constructed at your convenience. Mail letters overseas to our troops. If your children are older, take them along. Let them learn the value and importance of serving others and the community. I wholeheartedly agree that life is busy but if you want to impact your community and feel rich, donate your time. 

2.      Donating money. It's interesting that people only want to donate money if they have a lot of money. But you don't need to donate an abundance of money to make a difference. Random acts of kindness can go a long way. I'm a firm believer that goodness and kindness will be reciprocated. Pay for the person behind you at the drive through, if you see a homeless person on the street buy him some water and trail mix. If your kids are having a birthday party, replace gifts with canned goods to be donated to your local food bank. I'll admit I'm extremely hesitant to donate my money to big charities. I like to know exactly how my funds are allocated so I'd rather aid my local community than send funds out into the unknown. 

3.      Make a financial plan. One of the first recommendations upon winning the lottery is to hire a financial advisor. I've read stories about people going bankrupt after winning the lottery because they couldn't manage their money. I've also witnessed people (who did not win the lottery) going bankrupt because they can't manage their money. Hiring a mentor to help you make a financial plan and stay accountable may be in your best interest. If you know you can commit to a plan, look up free apps to help you manage your money. The bottom line is to make a financial plan, commit to it and pay off your debt. 

4.      Traveling. It would be nice to just have the funds to just hop on a plane and fly off into the sunset. But if you haven't won the lottery, it won't be that easy. If traveling is truly a priority and you make the investment, consider a vacation club. My family has invested in a vacation club where I can travel internationally. I can also exchange my points to cover airfare. If traveling is important to you may want to take this into consideration. 

5.      Starting a charity. This eats at me the most. When people say they would start a charity to benefit (insert what you are most passionate about) if they win the lottery. Really you ONLY want to take action if you win the lottery? You're clearly not that passionate about it. If you want to start a charity or outreach program then do it! If you market yourself correctly and can get the community involved, you can be successful. Collaborate with existing programs for ideas and take action. 

You don't need to win the lottery to live a rich existence. Sort out your priorities, make a plan and have faith. Life is all about blessings, not burdens. When you exert goodness into the world, blessings will come back to you. Let your heart and dedication be your driving force and you will live a rich and rewarding life.