Monday, May 30, 2016

Treat Yourself

One of my all time favorite TV shows is Parks and Recreation. Every year two of the characters treat themselves to a day of pure indulgence. What a fabulous concept! But what if you already live an indulgent lifestyle? Where do you discern between living within your means and living frivolously? 

I'm not just referring to compulsive spending but generally living thoughtlessly. Do you really need that extra glass of wine or a second helping of food? Can you think of a cost efficient alternative to your daily mocha frappe with coffee cake? You might be approved for a line of credit but do the payments stretch you so thin that you can't afford groceries? Every decision seems great while you're in the moment but when your daily habits are destructive to your health (or your bank account) it's time to take action. 

I recently had an epiphany about my poor eating habits. As a solution, I downloaded an app to help me keep track of what I'm eating. Subsequently, every time I want to splurge on something I don't need, I write down the cost of the item. It's amazing how much I'm saving now!

Hindsight is always 20/20. But if you take time to slow down and think before you act you can change negative habits into positive power to transform your life. You are in control of every decision and you are worthy to treat yourself once in a while. Indulgent habits are hard to break, but if you can find a new perspective to gain awareness you're choosing a positive step toward your health and happiness. Simplify your life and appreciate the little things. It's truly what matters the most.

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