Wednesday, March 1, 2017


My last publication highlighted what living rich means but what I failed to present was an outline of my personal accountabilities. Hypocrisy runs rampant in our society and people are certainly quick to judge those who have a proclaimed faith in Christ. So please allow me to give you a personal attestation of my current journey and how I feel enriched daily. 

How I've donated my time...

Last year I started a photography business. I've offered several free photo sessions to local law enforcement officers and their families. I've recently submitted an inquiry to the Pennsylvania State Adoption Agency to volunteer my time and talent to take photos of children hoping to be adopted. I'm really excited about this potential opportunity. If it's meant to be it will be according to God's will. 

How I've donated money... 

If you read my last post, I mentioned to demonstrate random acts of kindness. The first time I wanted to "pay it forward" the person behind me bought a $20.00 gift card on top of their $7.00 coffee. What did I learn from this lesson? That I can purchase gift cards at the convenience of a drive through. Well that certainly was an eye opener for me! When I suggested to buy water and trail mix for a homeless person, I was writing from experience. He also had a dog with him so I bought his dog food too. 

How I've made a financial plan... 

Thankfully my husband and I were able to completely consolidate our debt. Our student loans, car loans and credit cards will be paid off in less than a year. I've also drilled into my brain that if I have to put it on plastic then I can't afford it. Opening a line of credit does serve a purpose but our society in general has become completely gluttonous when it comes to wanting something now and paying for it later. Save your money, if it's something you really want it will be worth the wait. 

How I travel.... 

It's through Wyndham Resorts. Basically a property is purchased within Wyndham and then Wyndham allots points to you annually to travel to any Wyndham resort. 

Starting a charity...

I currently do not have a desire to start a charity. I was writing from experience of witnessing people speak about winning the lottery. However, I do have a burning desire to facilitate a local racing event in my community to benefit a local charity. I've been brainstorming for weeks and I firmly believe that if I create a solid proposal it will happen. Stay tuned! 

I've spent years wrapped up in my own universe and I failed to recognize that there's a whole world out there for me to shine and be a positive light. My ego was creating harm instead of harmony. I felt like I was a victim of circumstance instead of creating a reality full of abundant blessings and selfless love. A blessing is a blessing no matter how great or small. If you can be a positive impact to others you will create a higher self and have a resounding sense of peace in your life. 

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