Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Month of Miracles

In the dictionary the word march can be used as a verb or a noun. March (verb): to walk in a stately, deliberate manner. To move forward, advance or proceed.
March (noun): the third month of the year, containing 31 days. Let’s not forget that the spring equinox is also in March. To me the month of March is undoubtedly my favorite month of the year. I can summarize the month of March into one simple but powerful word… Hope.

The month of March gives me hope.

Winter in Pennsylvania can be particularly long and cold. The sky is normally overcast and the trees look melancholy and empty. The air can be so cold that it seems to pierce your soul. As an outdoor enthusiast I have a tendency to internalize my surroundings. No, I don’t have seasonal depression but what gets me through a long winter is hope and the assurance of spring. When I think of springtime I think of new life and growth. What seems to die in the winter comes back to life and blooms. The month of March is symbolic to me because I often think to myself am I blooming or am I dormant? Will I march forward or will I stay in negative situations?

When a flower is planted in an unfit environment it will not blossom and eventually the flower will die.

Miracles can happen everyday but during the month of March I possess a level of discernment that I don't carry throughout the rest of the year. Have you recently reflected on your environment? Are you planted to blossom or are you stuck in dormancy? Are you willing to take the risk and march forward or stand still because of fear?

As we enter spring and the Easter season the earth will come back to life. My prayer for you is to find the courage to march forward and bloom.

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